Thursday, April 15, 2010

8 Tips for Branding, Marketing, Promotions Online

It does not matter what product or service that a person or company is trying to sell there are always similar products or services that are available.  To become the preferred choice in the competitive marketplace, branding online and offline is needed.

Building a strong brand is one of the most important things a person or organization can do to increase visibility, build a good reputation, and become a trusted brand.  Consumers associate a brand with a certain identity.  These identities communicate messages, build credibility, and motivate prospects to buy.

Branding is absolutely vital! It defines a business, but also creates a perception of value. Value or worth that you could potentially bring to your potential clients. We live in an online world. Even Gov. Rick Perry understands this. He is now pushing for textbooks to be a thing of the past and is promoting for students to use the internet in classroom environments. Do you see your brand as valuable? What can you do to strengthen the awareness of your brand?

Below are several tips in building your brand:

1. Be Clear. Be Seen. Be You©.
All marketing messages on your website, logos, slogans, mission statement, brochures, postcards, white papers, newsletters, eblasts, facebook  fan page, advertisements, facebook ads, etc) should be consistent.  Unclear or conflicting messages will cause confusion.

2. Write a press release.
Whenever you launch a new product or service, or a newsworthy event occurs, or you achieve a major accomplishment, writing and distributing press releases online and to print media is a great way to increase visibility. I write a press release every time we launch a new site for our clients. It's like a bread crumb online.

3. Social Media.
Social media is an essential tool. Get involved in conversations, ask questions, give advice, attend workshops, webinars, blog and network with like-minded people.  You’ll be amazed at how quickly your network expands.

4. Testify, Testify, Testify.
Testimonials are powerful because they build brand credibility and trust. On our home page, the first thing that everyone can click on is our own self promo video which features several testimonies from our past clients. Which I personally believe is better than a written quote.

5. Show off and Promote.
It is so neat to show your success and where you have been featured. Whether it is an article featured in a magazine, or a commercial or a live segment...when you have the time list your accomplishments on your fanpage by links, write a quick note why you were there. Talk about what you are doing. Share your blog topics. Show your excitement! Show off your enthusiasm.

6. Be an expert.
So you want credibility? Be an expert in your industry by writing by-lined articles for industry blogs, websites, newsletters, newspapers, or magazines. Create an organizational blog and  produce e-news for clients or database using Constant Contact. Don't be discouraged, you don't need a phD to be considered and expert. Think of it this way, you are in business for a reason. You know your business.

7. Events.
Sponsor a charity event, attend fundraisers and volunteering builds brand awareness and yes it can help the community. Try joining the local Chamber of Commerce which can be a benefit for connecting with other business owners in the community.

8. Partner up.
Cross promotions with non-competing businesses are a good opportunity to expand your market. For instance, if you are a photographer and your niche is family photos, then most likely you should consider cross promotions with your local children's boutiques, dental office, small banks branches, or a local family restaurant.

I love what I do. I enjoy designing brands and promoting brands. I hope that you love your business as much as doing it.

Web Marketing Expert
Be Clear. Be Seen. Be You.

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